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Who is like a king of glory
Who is like a king of glory
by Andrew Pratt
Who is like a king of glory, wielding justice for each nation, bringing equity and freedom way beyond imagination? Representing God to people, shepherd king, as Israel saw him, ruling them with grace and kindness holding whether losing, winning. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: BABYLON’S
Poem: Wine and Spirit
Poem: Wine and Spirit
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Wine and Spirit ‘Don’t get drunk with wine,. Be filled with the Spirit.’ You know, there are some people who would totally misinterpret that message. You can hear them saying it, can’t you? ‘Keep off the wine, but spirits are fine!’ So off they go, drinking to excess, los
A pastor's voice, attuned to care
A pastor's voice, attuned to care
by Andrew Pratt
A pastor's voice, attuned to care, committed to protection, rang through the hills of Galilee, love forming each inflexion. He spoke of sheep, he knew his flock, they'd never find him sleeping, his very life would be laid down, and none would leave his keeping. Verses 3-4 follow
The Act of Prayer Year B - First Sunday of Christmas Year B
The Act of Prayer Year B - First Sunday of Christmas Year B
by BRF - John Birch
First Sunday of Christmas Year B Opening prayer We join with creation and the angels above in praising our maker and redeemer for the wonders around us, the glory of his grace, and the Christ-child, born in a stable who is salvation for all people upon earth…
Great Christian Thinkers - 1 St Clement, Bishop of Rome
Great Christian Thinkers - 1 St Clement, Bishop of Rome
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
St Clement, Bishop of Rome After the first witnesses of the Christian faith, mentioned in the New Testament writings, we find the Apostolic Fathers, that is, to the first and second generations in the Church subsequent to the Apostles. And thus, we can see where the Church’s jour
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - The Fifth Sunday of Easter Year B
Lectionary Reflections - Year B - The Fifth Sunday of Easter Year B
by SPCK - Jane Williams
The Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 8.26-40 1John 4.7-21 John 15.1-8 The writings of John, both in the Gospel and the epistles, are bafflingly determined not to come down on one side or the other of the ‘chicken or egg’ question. Which comes first, love of God or love of our neighbou
Moulin Rouge Bible Study Week 10
Moulin Rouge Bible Study Week 10
by Tim Marshall
Moulin Rouge Cover Letter A Bible Study which relies heavily on discussion rather than leading. Using the film 'Moulin Rouge' as a starting point and then looking at a variety of passages (which can be obtained from the web in a variety of different translations) There are questi
Echoing the Word - Preparation and penitence
Echoing the Word - Preparation and penitence
by SPCK - Paula Gooder & Michael Perham
1 Preparation and penitence The liturgy begins with a greeting between the president and the people; in this greeting the community is gathered and bound together, and relationships are formed and acknowledged. The president may invoke the persons of the Trinity, proclaiming the
Echoing the Word - Blessing and dismissal
Echoing the Word - Blessing and dismissal
by SPCK - Paula Gooder & Michael Perham
21 Blessing and dismissal Although it may be argued that, after the blessing experienced in receiving the consecrated bread and wine of the Eucharist, no extra words of blessing at the conclusion of the service can add much to the service, a blessing by the president at the end o
Christ is the Word, with God from the beginning